Regional Gender Equality Measurement in the EU
2nd Workshop
March 25, 2022, 9h-12h
Centre Maurice Halbwachs
Campus ENS-Jourdan, 48 Bd. Jourdan, salle R2-02, Paris
9.00 Welcome to Participants and Introduction
Serge Paugam (EHESS/Centre Maurice Halbwachs Paris)
9.15 to 10:45 Presentations of the ReGEM Project
Mesurer l’égalité de genre: un aperçu
Christian Suter (Université de Neuchâtel)
Mapping regional gender disparities in France and Italy
Enrico di Bella (University of Genoa)
Building the regional gender equality measure in Spain
Sandra Fachelli (Pablo de Olavide University of Sevilla) and Pedro López-Roldán (Autonomous University of Barcelona):
Gender responsive fiscal policies: the labour market
Fabrizio Culotta (University of Genoa)
11.00 to 12:00 Discussion
Discutants: Emmanuel Didier (ENSAE) et Etienne Penissat (Unversité de Lille)